Jawliner: Enhance Your Jawline Naturally


The Jawliner is a premium facial exercise tool designed to strengthen and sculpt your jawline. Crafted from durable materials, it is available in three resistance levels to suit different training needs:


White Jawliner (60 lbs resistance): Ideal for beginners, offering moderate tension to ease into jawline workouts. Recommended usage duration ranges from 60 to 120 days for optimal results.

Gray Jawliner (80 lbs resistance): Perfect for those with some experience in facial exercises, providing a higher level of resistance for more intensive training. Recommended usage duration ranges from 60 to 120 days.

Black Jawliner (130 lbs resistance): The strongest resistance available, suited for advanced users seeking to maximize their jawline definition. Use consistently for 60 to 120 days to achieve the best outcomes.

Each Jawliner is designed for durability and efficacy, ensuring you can improve your facial aesthetics safely and effectively. Whether you’re starting your journey or enhancing your results, there's a Jawliner perfect for your goals.

Why does this work?


Muscle Strengthening

The Jawliner helps strengthen the masseter muscles and other jaw muscles, which can lead to a more defined and toned jawline.

Improvement of Facial Symmetry

By exercising evenly, facial symmetry can be improved, making both sides of the jaw look more balanced.

Reduction of Facial Fat

Regular use can help reduce accumulated fat around the jaw, contributing to a more defined facial contour.

Enhancement of Facial Profile

Consistent use of the Jawliner can visually modify the profile, offering a more angular and aesthetically pleasing appearance.

Easy and Practical Habit

Using a Jawliner is a simple and convenient method to work the facial muscles, and it can be done almost anywhere and anytime.

Jawliner User Success Stories


Meet Brendan


Reported exercising: 5 times per week 15 minutes per training session

Reported breaks: skipped a total of 5 weeks of workouts


Weight before: 91.2 kg

Weight after: 92.5 kg

Result conclusion: Brendan has demonstrated the most significant masseter muscle volume change. With a naked eye the masseter muscle growth can be clearly observed. The change in lower jaw width is very significant. A one kilogram change in weight is too small of a variation to produce such a big visual difference. Brendan is the best example and the final confirmation of the hypothesis that masseter muscles indeed grow with consistent jawliner usage. 



Meet David


Reported exercising: 4 times per week 15 minutes per training session

Reported breaks: skipped a total of 4.5 weeks of workouts


Weight before:74 kg

Weight after: 78 kg

Result conclusion: David demonstrates a very clear gain in the masseter muscle volume. The lower jaw is wider at the corners. A part of the effect is clearly due to a slight weight gain but not entirely as the additional BMI normally accumulates at the cheek area and not the jaw corner area. The side profile photo comparison confirms that. The gain in weight should have reduced the jawline definition, but what we observe is surprisingly the opposite, it looks more chiseled. The jawline actually gained in definition quite significantly. All signs point to a significant masseter muscle growth for Jarome after using  jawline trainer.





To get the fastest results, follow the exercise program included in the package. Jawliner workouts should take you around 10 minutes/day.


1. Rinse tabs in water or mouthwash

2. Put on molar teeth

3. Complete chewing exercises

4. Stretch jaw muscles




Natural improvements are age-dependent, but not limiting.

In our opinion, as experts looking to help, people are always looking for an excuse not to take responsibility for the new lifestyle, and thus, avoid change.

As if they are openly and consciously looking for a way to limit themselves, to eliminate the desire they feel.

If we let go of this dogma, then we can move forward.

Don't limit yourself 📈


Just because a child changes faster than an adult does not mean that the adult cannot improve his or her situation.

They simply have to reverse negative behaviors that are more deeply rooted, due to the accumulation of connections and nerve endings as they age.

However, anyone can change, and our testimonials prove it.

Changes like George's, 35, or Cibel's, +30, show that ANYONE can change.



With the masseter muscles growing in size, there will be a visual change happening to the jawline. The corner of the jawline near the ears will become more pronounced from the muscle volume growth. In turn, this creates the desired gain in jawline definition and strength. Some users may experience a hollow cheek enhancement as a result of Jawliner workouts.


Like any other muscle growth in the body, individual Jawliner results will depend on several factors. For instance, the consistency level plays a significant role. The recommended workout frequency is 4 to 5 times per week. How quickly the visual change will become noticeable is a factor of body fat percentage - the less, the faster. Furthermore, what kind of food, specifically nutrition, you consume plays a role. For any muscle to grow, you need to supply the body with an adequate amount of amino acids and other nutrients.


On average, Jawliner users report initial jawline improvement after 1 weeks, noticeable transformation after a month, and significant improvement after 2 weeks of consistent usage.